The next step was to get as many games as possible, (cheep!) I was watching Cragslist every day and if there was a game under a hundred bucks, It was ours!
One of the next buy's was a deal in Bristow. The ad read "11 arcade games 600.00" I just happened to be off work that day. I really didn't care what kind of games they were, Just needed trading stock! The games mostly worked and the ones that didn't, ( We'll Time for school!)
Some time in this hobby you must learn to work on the games or get ripped off by repair guy's and have way too much money tied up in them.
So I met the guy in Bristow. The games: Monte Carlo, Dual monitor Vs., Final fight, Mortal combat, Super off road, Ball toss, Skull and Crossbones, Cal. 50, Dual monitor Cyber Ball and Shinobi. We left the 11th game there. It was a Huge water shooter.
All the games listed were traded or sold, Sometimes they made it back home again. The Monte Carlo and the Skull cab ( joust) is the only two that remains from this lot.