Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Name

Every arcade has a name. When you choose a name, You want it to be cool! One of our favorite games is Robotron. Well it was until my Son beat my score today of over 1 million, Thanks Brad.

We thought 2084 would be a cool name.  So we have it 2084 arcade! 

We will be posting scores from all our friends. Games for sale and trade, And also we are interested in games for sale. 

Fast Foward

I'm getting bored with the history lessons. Lets talk about now!
My Wife was getting tired of seeing 4 or 5 games in the house. She suggested we build a building, Great Idea!
I started in the spring of 2010. Had a metal building built and my son and I started finishing out the inside. I had a vision but didn't know how it would turn out. I got alot of suggestions, But I have to live with the final choices.
First of all, Build what you can afford. It will never be big enough! You know how these games multiply! I settled for a 20x25 with a 5x25 porch. I'm happy, But always trading games with my friends in Lawton. I'm trying to get my absolute favorites in the space that I have.

Road Trip

I was invited to help start the new collection of games. This would be the first of many warehouse runs by these guys. Dean and myself made a trip to Fort Worth. We loaded around 25 mostly classics in a big U-haul and headed to Lawton. Since then they have collected over 200 classics and some newer games also. On occasion they will have a open house and we will gather repair games and do a little old fashioned horse trading. 

They are still looking for games, They buy, sell and trade! You can leave me a message or find them at

New Friends

After buying a few games from Dean (The operator in Edmond), We became friends. He had mentioned that Himself and a few friends had built a arcade collection in Lawton and that it was a great place to visit. I'm thinking that yea, I'll make the trip one of these days. We'll I waited too long. Dean called one afternoon and said nothing was left. A Electrical fire had taken the building and all those classics. 
The following weekend I went with Dean to take donations to the Shaw family. Terry actually lived in the building and the arcade was in the back. Dean and myself helped build a arcade to be auctioned that evening. While there I met Troy, Terry, Derry, Tracy, and Troy C.  Some of the nicest guy's I have ever known!

Ebay sometimes

Ebay at the right time can be great! During the super bowl a auction was ending for a xevious, and it was local. My son won the auction for 107.00 and the machine was working! We went to pick it up and there were a total of 8 machines for sale. 400.00 dollars later and they were all ours. The games were mostly conversions with the exception of a near perfect Elevator action. Which was traded and ended up being donated to Phoenix arcade in Lawton.

If It's cheep we want it!

The next step was to get as many games as possible, (cheep!) I was watching Cragslist every day and if there was a game under a hundred bucks, It was ours! 
One of the next buy's was a deal in Bristow. The ad read "11 arcade games 600.00" I just happened to be off work that day. I really didn't care what kind of games they were, Just needed trading stock! The games mostly worked and the ones that didn't, ( We'll Time for school!)
Some time in this hobby you must learn to work on the games or get ripped off by repair guy's and have way too much money tied up in them.
So I met the guy in Bristow. The games: Monte Carlo, Dual monitor Vs., Final fight, Mortal combat, Super off road, Ball toss, Skull and Crossbones, Cal. 50, Dual monitor Cyber Ball and Shinobi. We left the 11th  game there. It was a Huge water shooter.
All the games listed were traded or sold, Sometimes they made it back home again. The Monte Carlo and the Skull cab ( joust)  is the only two that remains from this lot.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Beginning

Remember in the 80's, All you could think about was where to get a couple of extra quarters to play that favorite arcade game. Who would have guessed that there would be a crash in the industry. The good news is, Who would have guessed that as adults we could buy these same games for Pennies on the dollar and never worry about quarters again!
I will take you on our journey, That began about 2 years ago. We met alot of good people along the way, And made alot of great friends!
My first arcade was a Defender. It was my birthday and I thought I would treat myself to an arcade. Later I would find out that they multiply! A guy my son work's with introduced us to a guy named Justin. He knew a operator in Edmond that had a Defender for sale. The first of many games and friend's through this purchase.